Season 1
Chapter 1 and 2 – 58 minutes
El Grasa
(Kike Perez) is a conflictive delinquent who leads a chaotic life: he smokes, drinks, takes drugs and eats too much considering his overweight. One day, as expected, his body gives him a scare and Pedro suffers a heart attack. Against all odds, he survives, but from now on he will have to wear a heart rate monitor and change his habits if he wants to stay alive. Fate will lead to the
to a unique Pilates class that will radically transform your life.
Following the success of
David Sainz returns to Playz with
an acid comedy about new opportunities starring Kike Perez.
Technical data
Script and Direction: David Sainz
PhotographyAntonio Velázquez
Production Manager: Teresa Segura
Production Manager: Amparo Díaz Cepeda
Technical data
Kike Perez
Octavi Pujades
Antonio Dechent
Diego Villalba
Fede Martinez
Lola Hernandez
Mila Fernandez
Lamberto Guerra
Luifer Rodriguez
Patricia Toro